Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery

Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery

The Lab of Veterinary Surgery provide students with clinical experience and training in the techniques of examination, diagnosis, anesthesia and surgery of companion animals, food animals, and exotic animals. Our lab includes sections of general surgery, orthopedics/neurosurgery and anesthesiology, and offers expertise in these areas at Seoul National University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. The general surgery section provides soft tissue surgery of digestive, urogenital, cardiovascular and integumentary system as well as oncologic surgery. The orthopedics/neurosurgery section provides fracture management, surgery of joint and spine. The anesthesiology section provides local and general anethesia for patients inclding internal medicine, surgery, diagnostic imagiing, etc of SNUVMTH. Our primary area of research includes epidural anesthesia, wound healing, clinical application of stem cells on non-union of bone fracture and spinal cord injury, and cancer research of animals.


Lee, Inhyung (|T. +82-2-880-1252)

Kim, WanHee (|T. +82-2-880-1244)

Kang, Byung-Jae (|T. +82-2-880-1248)

Research Interests

Lee, Inhyung

  • Clinical application of thoracolumbar epidural anesthesia in cattle
  • Pain mechanism


Kim, WanHee

  • Wound healing
  • Estabishment of cell line in the canine spontaneous tumors


Kang, Byung-Jae


Course Offered

College LevelGraduated Level
– Veterinary Surgery & Laboratory 1-2 (3th year)
– Clinical Practice of Veterinary Surgery (4th year)
– Hospital Practices of Veterinary Anesthesiology (4th year)
– Veterinary Neurosurgery
– Advanced Veterinary Orthopedics
– Emergency Procedures for Small Animal
– Topics in Small Animal General Surgery
– Principles of Small Animal Thoracic Surgery
– Topics in Large Animal Surgery
– Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Control