Laboratory of Veterinary Histology

Laboratory of Veterinary Histology

Veterinary histology is a study of the microscopic structures and functions of various organs and tissues that make up animals, and it is a study that forms an organic link with various disciplines such as molecular biology and physiology by providing the basis for veterinary medicine by strengthening the ability to distinguish and diagnose changes in tissues and cells that may appear in pathological conditions. 


The Lab of Veterinary Histology concentrates on studying the fundamentals of structures and functions of normal tissues and various systemic organs in companion, domestic and laboratory animals. 

Our lab offers lectures for undergraduate course: veterinary histology and for graduate course: advanced veterinary histology, electron microscopy, etc. 

The major part of our research is identifing the mechanisms of tumors/chronic diseases and develop treatments based on the preclinical laboratory animal experiment.


Oh, Seung Hyun (|T. +82-2-880-1264)

Research Interests

  • Histological research for immune organs
  • Neurological mechanisms of diabetes on brain

Course Offered

College LevelGraduated Level
– Veterinary Histology &Laboratory 1-2 (1st year)
– Veterinary Embryology (lst year)
– Genomics and Embryology of Mouse
– Topics in Veterinary Genome Research
– Advanced Veterinary Embryology
– Advanced Veterinary Histology
– Electron Microscopy