
본과 4년

학기 구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점 학기당 강의시간 학기당 실습시간
1, 2 전필 552.434* 대동물병원실습(Large Animal Hospital Practices) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.435* 수의피부과학병원실습(Clinical Practice of Veterinary Dermatology) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.437* 수의영상의학병원실습(Clinical practice of veterinary medical imaging) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.438* 수의안과학병원실습(Clinical practice of veterinary ophthalmology) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.439* 수의산과학병원실습(Clinical practice of theriogenology) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.440* 수의임상병리학병원실습(Practice in the Veterinary Clinical Laboratory) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.441* 수의야생동물질병학병원실습(Clinical Practice of Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.442* 수의마취학병원실습(Hospital Practices of Veterinary Anesthesiology) 1 0 47
1, 2 전필 552.451* 소동물내과학병원실습 1(Clinical Practice of Small Animal Internal Medicine 1) 1 0 64
1, 2 전필 552.445* 현장실습 1(Externship 1) 1 0 80
1, 2 전필 552.446* 현장실습 2(Externship 2) 1 0 80
1, 2 전필 552.447* 현장실습 3(Externship 3) 1 0 80
1, 2 전필 552.448* 현장실습 4(Externship 4) 1 0 80
1, 2 전필 552.449* 현장실습 5(Externship 5) 1 0 80
1, 2 전필 552.452* 소동물내과학병원실습 2(Clinical Practice of Small Animal Internal Medicine 2) 1 0 64
1, 2 전필 552.453* 소동물정형/신경외과병원실습(Clinical Practice of Small Animal Orthopedic/Neurosurgery) 1 0 64
1, 2 전필 552.454* 소동물일반외과학병원실습(Clinical Practice of Small Animal General Surgery) 1 0 64
1, 2 전필
수의응급의학병원실습(Clinical Practice of Veterinary Emergency Medicine) 1 0 47
2 전필 552.443A* 수의학심화실습(Advanced Practice for Veterinary Medicine) 6 0 315
1 소계 18 0 1079
2 소계 24 0 1394
합계 42 0 2473